Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Cake #2 Pizza!

This cake is a thank-you gift for a friend of mine who came and taught a pizza making class for the women in our ward. He did a fabulous job and I wanted to thank him in a fun way. The cake is covered in marshmallow fondant and all the 'toppings' are also fondant. I liked how the toppings came out. The 'cheese' is just grated which makes it look so real. I freehand cut the mushrooms and the peppers and used a #10 tip (I think) bottom to cut the olives and then the tip to cut the centers. I struggled and struggled with the 'dough' for some reason I couldn't achieve the right color for the crust. Also the height is an issue- but when you want to fill it so it's yummy it's going to be taller.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Cake #1 New York Yankees Birthday

Chocolate cake with chocolate cream puff filling, buttercream frosting and decorations. Based on a New York Yankees uniform with a baseball top.